
Our Aerial Equipment

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Land survey

Land surveyors conduct surveys from the sky instead of the land by using drones. The fact is that the data captured via drone mapping will perfectly complement what the engineers can see from the ground. The drone mapping solution for autonomous flights eliminates several risks associated with land surveying such as heavy equipment and hazardous injuries.

Our land drone survey by our expert team offers high survey speed and accuracy, minimal and efficient budget usage, time-efficient, and safer single tool operation to survey major areas of land terrain. Also, this increased speed and automation that drone mapping provides permit companies to safely take on and complete more jobs for clients, on more sites in less time.

Smart City Survey

Drones can be used to map commuting routes, crowd management, smart transportation, transport & delivery (Urban air mobility in congested areas). With the need to advance smart city programs quickly, drones offer flexibility allowing the surveyors to map long corridors efficiently. Smart planning of facility construction and investments and a smarter tracking of assets can be made easy through drones.

Our smart city survey drones provide in-depth data, to aid decision making earlier at the start of any project allowing the surveyors to plan them accordingly. Having an eye in the sky guides the people on the ground in managing the traffic properly. Constant surveillance and security to analyze the situation across the city can be done using drones.

Forest Survey

Cameras that operate in visible spectrum can be used for a detailed assessment of forest structures or single tree properties. Such cameras embedded in drones provide a detailed image of the stand and crown structures as well as ground surface structures of forests. Forest professionals are increasingly turning to drone technology to gain better insights into their operations.

Our forest drone survey team who are experienced and expertized in drone flight help in surveying forest health, forest production, wildlife ecology, and forest protection. A 3D visualization of forests is possible using drones. Mapping harvest units, measuring volumes quickly with accurate tree count, and any mishaps like forest fires can be easily detected using the drones.

Road Survey

Aerial videography of roads to manage road traffic, to clear any crowd congestion and monitoring road construction can be easily done using drones. Engineers at administration have begun using drones for road surveying which transformed the way they work in the field, quality of data they can gather, and also budget benefits.

We serve with different types of drones to survey varied radii area depending on the flight capacity. As the drone survey is integrated with geographical co-ordinates, it provides an accurate location of important structures. These UAV’s also act as effective communication tools between people working onsite as well as offsite. Drone data provides transparency by accurately stating the ground realities

Mine Survey

Capturing data using drones is 30 times faster than traditional land-based methods which doesn’t require the presence of surveyor on site. Data can be easily collected at a frequency best suited for a mining site. Changes between any two surveys can be tracked and highlighted automatically using drone technology. In the long term, this way can reduce surveying and monitoring costs.

Our drones allow us to survey parts of mines or quarry which are difficult to access using traditional equipment and this happens without disrupting the flow of operations and machine movement. This drone survey eliminates the hazards faced by employees while walking through dangerous zones, navigating active sites, or climbing onto stockpiles.

Railway Survey

Safeguarding the continuous operation of rail traffic, maintenance of rails, sleepers and gravel beds, design and construction of extension works, monitoring the condition of railway bridges, etc. is a laborious process that can be easily done using drones. An aerial survey of alignment and 2D map of entire section can be created using drones.

Our application of drones in railways includes preparing contour maps for new rail lines, 3D models of terrain to draw accurate plans, GIS mapped data to calculate the length of rail track laid, and create 3D models to help map potential risks at construction. Quick and accurate data that is reliable can be obtained using these drones as they are terrain independent.

Next Survey Course will start on 2nd June 2025. Please click here to