Site Assessment

Site assessment is required in many fields such as construction, mining and real estate. Getting a proper assessment in these fields is very important to avoid any further litigations.

Drones play out a generally excellent occupation of getting exact measurements and evaluate the property utilizing photos and recordings. The pictures that got through an elevated perspective give a reasonable image of the property.

Regular inspection of huge construction sites is a laborious task. Drones are used here to perform the inspections faster and also to monitor the area for security concerns. A good amount of training is required to perform these tasks without any error.



  • Introduction
  • Regulations of DGCA
  • Permissions and Digital sky
  • Commercial Operations
  • Drone Equipment
  • Different types of Drones
  • Gimbal Balancing
  • Principles of Photogrammetry
  • Photogrammetric Procedures
  • Error Adjustment
  • Geo-referencing
  • Aerial Triangulation
  • Spatial Reference Systems
  • Analysis and Evaluation of Data
  • Performing Volumetric Calculations
  • Cut, Fill, and Volumetric Measurement Calculation
  • Lowest Point and Best Fit Base Planes
  • Relative vs. Absolute Accuracy
  • Project Accuracy Requirements
  • Survey-Grade Accuracy
  • Techniques to Improve Map Accuracy
  • Types of Imagery Products
  • Areas of Focus
  • Manual Flight Profiles
  • Common Manual Images
  • Determining the Image List
  • Sample Image Lists
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Image Framing
  • Common Camera Settings
  • Speciality Camera Settings
  • Fundamentals
  • Types of Thermal Payloads
  • Types of Thermal Inspections
  • On-Site Assessment Checklist
  • Evaluating Current Weather
  • Identifying Hazards
  • Determining Take-off/Landing Points
  • Adjusting the Flight Profile
  • Updating Lost Link Settings
  • Determining Appropriate Crew Composition
  • Camera Operator Responsibilities
  • Visual Observer Responsibilities
  • Visual Observer Placement
  • Communication Methods
  • Crew Briefing


Next Survey Course will start on 25th September 2024. Please click here to